Delfont Mackintosh Access Registration

Disabled person's name
Your name (if different)
Telephone number

In order for us to process your access registration, we need to process information related to your medical condition. This is deemed by the Data Protection Act to be sensitive information. We will not do this without your explicit consent. For more information on our Privacy Policy and how we process information please see the website. If you do not give consent we will not process your application and all information will be permanently deleted upon receipt.

About your Disability / Impairment / Health Condition
Standing and queuing
Wheelchair access
Access to toilets
Assistance dogs
Long distances
Personal assistants / additional support
Accessing visual information
Accessing audible information
Anything else
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Upload a scan/clear photo of your benefits entitlement or a Dr's letter
Upload a scan/photo of your government-issued photo ID
Upload a photo of your face
Upload anything else you think might be useful
Upload a link to any media about you that you think may help us make a decision